Chris O'Leary's musi­cal back­ground includes duties as lead singer and front man for rock and roll hall of famer and Grammy award win­ner Levon Helm’s band The Barn­burn­ers. Dur­ing the 6 years that Chris and Levon played together they toured across the US and Canada light­ing up stages every­where they went.

Chris has appeared on stage with: Leg­endary Rolling Stones side­man Bobby Keys, The Fab­u­lous Thun­der­birds, Jimmy Vivino, Jeff Healy, Dan Akroyd, Albert Lee, Dave Edmunds, Dave Maxwell and the great James Cot­ton to name just a few. Chris has also recorded with Bill Perry and Hubert Sum­lin among others.

Chris Vitarello attended the Berklee Col­lege of Music from 1991–1993, and com­pleted his Bach­e­lors of Music Degree while attend­ing the West­ern Con­necti­cut State Uni­ver­sity in 2001.

Born and raised in Mount Ver­non, New York, Chris has played with many well known musi­cians such as Jimmy McGriff, Bruce Katz, The Organiks, Tad Robin­son, Tam White, Den­nis Gru­en­ling, Gina Fox, Mitch Woods and the Rocket 88s, Jeremy Baum, Roxy Perry, Jeff Ganz, Don Guinta, Arlen Roth, Eric Min­gus, Randy Cia­r­lante, Jay Collins, The Jon Bates Band, The Cur­tis Win­ches­ter Band, The Blue Rays, Michael Bram, Felix Cabr­era, Lit­tle Melvin, Jim Payne, Jerry Z., Chris O’Leary, Moose and the Bul­let­proof Blues Band, Michael Tor­sone, Big Joe Fitz, Brian and Heather Wolfe, Live Soci­ety and many more.

The newest addi­tion to the band is bass player extra­or­di­naire Matt Ray­mond. Matt has played with a vir­tual who’s who of blues music greats includ­ing Hubert Sum­lin, Steve Guyger, and Paul Oscher. He has also played with Amer­i­can music leg­ends Levon Helm and Betty LaVette.  Matt has held down the chair as house bass player at Dave Gross’s Fat Rab­bit Stu­dios for sev­eral years and met Chris doing a ses­sion. What makes Matt a per­fect fit for the band is that he’s equally adept at both upright and fender basses. His learned musi­cal­ity, and instant chem­istry with drum­mer Jason Devlinand the rest of the band have truly brought the band to a whole new level.

A clas­si­cally trained clar­inetist, Chris DiFrancesco (aka Fez) is an hon­ors grad­u­ate of the Uni­ver­sity of Cal­i­for­nia, Santa Cruz (BA Music, 1987).  Since the mid-80s he has per­formed and recorded inter­na­tion­ally with a wide vari­ety of ensem­bles. Chris has appeared on stage with many greats across many gen­res, includ­ing Luther Alli­son, Junior Wat­son, Mitch Woods and the Rocket 88s, Mark Hum­mel, Chrissie O’Dell, Big Joe Fitz, Eddie Kramer, Shorty King’s Club­house and many others.

Andy Stahl, the Ham­mer of The Bon­neville Horns, is a Hud­son Val­ley sax player who brings out an old-school King Cur­tis and Junior Walker sound from his tenor while deliv­er­ing a sound dis­tinc­tively his own.

Jason Devlin received his Bach­e­lor of Music from the pres­ti­gious Man­hat­tan School of Music. Jason has per­formed with mem­bers of the Gene Krupa, May­nard Fer­gu­son, Buddy Rich, and All­man Broth­ers Band. Jason has also worked with Jazz vocal­ist Jane Mon­heit, Jazz gui­tarists Melvin Sparks, John Basile, and Doug Munro, Sax­o­phone greats Car­men Leg­gio and Jerry Dod­gion, and Organ­ist Jerry Z.

He can be heard on John Basile’s album It Was a Very Good Year and Doug Munro’s Big Boss Bossa Nova, Booga­loo to Eminem, and Booga­loo to Kanye West.