Camping Options
Lake Pepin Campground, Pepin
Holden Park, Arkansaw
Morsbach Farms South Guest Home
Stick around a few days and explore Pepin County
Terry Hartung, Jr. (715) 495-3969 (limited electric camp sites available)
The Durand Brewery has room for camping: (715) 283-4040
Campsites in town are very tight but overflow RV and tent camping is available at the Rolling Greens Golf Course. Reservations are requested and a freewill donation is appreciated. There will be porta potties available on site, no electric, no fires, no water. Please take what you bring and throw away your trash. Opens at noon on Friday and must depart by 10am on Monday. Call or email Charlene for reservatiosn at (715) 672-8139 or
Overflow (tent) camping available. For info contact or message at 715-279-2297